Foreign newsreels № 552 (1961)

News №59421, 11 footages, duration: 0:08:40
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)

Scene №1

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Walter Ulbricht celebrates his 68th birthday (GDR).

Scene №2

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Anti-French demonstrations in Bizerte (Tunisia).


Scene №3

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A meeting of the government led by Fidel Castro.

Anti-American rallies.

Cuban children communicate with Fidel Castro.

Scene №4

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On the agenda of a peace Treaty with Germany.

Walter Ulbricht.

Scene №5

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Sekou Toure (Guinea) is in Rabat (Morocco).

Scene №6

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Strike in Belgium.

Scene №7

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Yuri Gagarin in England.

Scene №8

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Senator Humphrey arrives in Bonn (Germany).

Scene №9

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Gromyko meeting with D. Kennedy (USSRUSA).

Scene №10

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The provisional Algerian government offers negotiations with France.

Scene №11

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The story of Ernst Hemingway.

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